Master of Marine Affairs
The Master of Marine Affairs (MMA) degree is an accelerated masters program designed for mid-career professionals who wish to deepen and expand their expertise. In this program, students acquire knowledge and analytical skills through required and elective courses, as well as a major project conducted with a faculty member from the department. Unlike the MAMA degree, MMA degree program students do not conduct original research through a thesis project. Rather, the degree fills in the gaps left by narrow specialization. Many students in the MMA program enroll as part of their career in the military or sea services. More information about pursuing the MMA as part of a military or sea services career can be found HERE.
Applicants for the MMA must show that they will have, prior to beginning their first semester of the MMA program: (1) Completed a graduate degree program in a field useful in coastal and ocean management, such as the behavioral sciences, ocean science or engineering, resource economics, law, political science or public administration; or(2) At least three years of post-graduate professional experience relevant to the MMA degree; or (3) Completed at least one year of full time graduate study at Roger Williams University School of Law, Rhode Island School of Design or University of Rhode Island and are applying to the MMA as part of a joint degree program. As part of their personal statement, MMA applicants must explicitly articulate how they meet at least one of the above requirements, based on which the Marine Affairs admissions committee will make a final determination of eligibility.
The typical course load for a full-time graduate student during the fall and spring semesters ranges from three to five courses and should take into consideration needs for employment, research time, and outside commitments. In order to graduate within one year MMA students must take 15 credits per semester, for a total of 30 credits. Up to six credits may also be earned by examination for professional credentials or proven experiential learning.
Those interested in our joint degree programs with Rhode Island School of Design, Roger Williams Law School, and URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography should first apply to those programs and then apply separately to the MMA program in their first or second year of study.